Friday, August 27, 2010

Were Lost's Smoke Monster and music inspired by Dungeons and Dragons?

I watched* a Dungeon and Dragons episode called "The Garden of Zinn", and could not help but notice its similarities with Lost.

First, the background music played when the heroes are captured by the worm is very similar to Lost's soundtrack. BTW, Lost's soundtrack was great: it was one of the small details that made it an awesome show.

Then you had he two Zinn guards, that not only would become smoke but also could change shape:
Maybe it was just a bizarre coincidence, maybe the writers were deliberately inspired by that episode but never mentioned it, or maybe they didn't even realize where the inspiration came from (after all, this series was shown almost 20 years ago, and they most likely watched it) - who knows?

* PS: I bought the whole series at Amazon for 10 bucks and I'm watching it with my kids, they love it.